The 30mA challenge

In Europe, there is a legal requirement to have 30mA residual current protection (a k a “earth leakage”) on all final circuits rated 32A or less. The purpose of this is to protect against electric shock, should a person get in contact with a live wire while at the...
Frankfurt – here we come!

Frankfurt – here we come!

Prolight and sound- THE show for connecting At last, the Prolight and Sound show is happening again! Incredibly, the previous show was in 2019 – three years ago! This is for us, THE show for connecting with new and existing customers, checking out trends, meeting...
What’s in a name? More than you think!

What’s in a name? More than you think!

The origins of brand   StageSmarts has now begun its 8th year, and we thought we’d share the philosophy behind the brand and why we do what we do. We chose the name StageSmarts as we had ideas for various products in many stage-related areas. In the end, we...